Split Definition

In Human Design, there are five different ways that energy can flow through the channels in your chart, this is called your Definition.

Does your Human Design bodychart tell you that you’re a Split Definition? That’s awesome!

Read further to find out what this says about your personality. In case you’re not sure, you can locate your definition in the chart properties under the section that says Definition. You can download your personal bodychart for free by clicking here.

Split Definition

With split definition you've likely been searching for the person, place or thing that will bridge the gap and make you feel whole and complete. Because of this, your greatest source of conditioning will lie in the location of your split. Because if that gate or channel were active, then it would create continuous flow through your chart. Look at your chart like a map and follow the defined centers with your finger through the channels.

When you notice there's a gap between defined energy centers, this is what's known as a split. If a single gate would bridge the split, then it's likely that you blame yourself in the area or the theme of that gate. And if you have what's known as a wide split, so a whole channel would complete the split, then it's likely that you blame others and take on a victim mentality in the theme of that channel.

Two Voices

With split definition you have two facets of your personality, two different ways of internal processing and outward expression. Basically like two voices in your system.

But I want you to remember that every chart contains sources of conditioning, challenges and growth. There are no good, bad, right or wrong charts. Understanding your design helps you manage your energy in sustainable ways and make decisions that are aligned with your purpose in the current lifetime.


Triple Split Definition


Single Definition