The 1st Line Profile in Human Design

Find out your personal profile in your Human Design bodychart by checking the section that says Profile. There will be two numbers there, your personality consists of a combination of both of these numbers, also called profile lines. If one of the numbers in your profile shows a 1, it means that partly you have the 1st Line Profile in your Human Design.

Best Researchers

People with ones in their profile will always have the very best recommendations for books, TV shows and movies. These people are fast learners and they have what we call booksmarts. Because they've done their research, you can bet that they've either consumed the content themselves or they've done a decent amount of digging on the topic.

Never attempt to lie or to deceive a first-line person because they are thorough in their research and they will always get to the bottom of things.

Being Friends With A 1st Liner

If you’re friends with a first-line person, then you may be reminded of the importance of doing your research. Or at least you are going to get a lot of book suggestions!

As A 1st Liner

If you are a first-liner, you have to be aware of evidence overdose. This is when you get into a mode of so much fact finding, that it no longer feels good to you. If you reach that point, it’s probably a good moment to switch your focus to a new topic.

Your strengths as a first line include research, investigation, teaching and consistently learning new things.


The 5th Line Profile in Human Design


The 4th Line Profile in Human Design