The Four Different Aura Types in Human Design

The different Human Design Types can also be seen as Aura types. These four different aura types - or electromagnetic types - interact and collaborate together, completing or adding to the other types. Every aura type has its own role in this beautiful collaboration and as everyone would live from their authority instead of their mind, life on this planet would flow in the most harmonious way possible. 

Your aura will determine your role in the world in this incarnation.

The basic structure of this system:

  1. The Builders (70% of the population) - Generators

    🡲 They use their consistent energy to create, build and sustain life

    🡲 Their energy comes from doing work that they love

  2. The Guides (20% of the population) - Projectors

    🡲 They use their clear vision of optimized processes to create efficiency for the builders

    🡲 Their energy comes from being seen and recognized for the wisdom and value they bring

  3. The Innovators (8% of the population) - Manifestors

    🡲 They use their inspired action to initiate new paths - we follow in their footsteps optimizing and building upon the new 

    🡲 Their energy comes from getting things started

  4. The End Consumers (1% of the population) - Reflectors

    🡲 They use their ability to take in every type of energy to tell us all how we’re doing in our process of building, optimizing and innovating

    🡲 Their energy comes from being included and being able to sample every type of energy

There is one additional type (Manifesting Generator) that is a superstar combo of both Builder and Innovator that gets energy both from getting things started and from doing the work they love. 

What is your role in this world? And have you noticed how things flow better when you are in alignment with your pre-determined role?


The 2nd Line Profile in Human Design


The Origins of Human Design