What does it mean to have a Defined Root in Human Design?

What does it mean to have a Defined Root in Human Design

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Do you, or someone that you love,
have a
Defined Root center?

In case you haven’t seen your bodygraph yet, or you’re not so sure anymore which of the energy centers are defined and which are undefined in your Human Design bodygraph, click here to discover your chart for free!

If you have a Defined Root Center…

Someone with a Defined Root in Human Design, is consistently creating momentum and the pressure to move things forward for themself and for others.

Inward Energy
If you are feeling pressure to be ahead of where you are now, or to complete everything on your to-do list in an unrealistic amount of time, then you're turning all of your energy inward.

Outward Energy
Utilize the energy of the defined Root by turning more of your energy outward to help others move things forward in
stress-free, sustainable ways.

Align with your defined Root by releasing the pressure to constantly be moving things forward.

The Root works in pulses in order to give you time to rest, release stress and re-assess. Honor your periods of melancholy and use them as an opportunity to blow off some steam.

which energy center is the root center human design

Which energy center is the Root Center?

Check your bodygraph to see if the same energy center as you see here in this image, is colored in with a Defined Root center.


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