What does it mean to have a Defined Solar Plexus in Human Design?

defined solar plexus in human design

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Do you, or someone that you love,
have a
Defined Solar Plexus?

In case you haven’t seen your bodygraph yet, or you’re not so sure anymore which of the energy centers are defined and which are undefined in your Human Design bodygraph, click here to discover your chart for free!

If you have a Defined Solar Plexus…

Someone with a Defined Solar Plexus in Human Design, is consistently creating emotional intelligence and depth for themself and for others.

Inward Energy
If you are impatient or critical of your emotionality, then you're turning all of your energy inward.

Outward Energy
Utilize the energy of the Defined Solar Plexus by honoring your depth and your thoroughness. Turn more of your energy outward by demonstrating to others how to feel deeply, experience the fullness of life and stop and smell the roses from time to time.

Align with your Defined Solar Plexus by slowing way down, honoring your emotional waves and creating boundaries around the time that it takes you to process things.

defined solar plexus in human design bodygraph

Which energy center is the Solar Plexus?

Check your bodygraph to see if the same energy center as you see here in this image, is colored in with a Defined Solar Plexus.


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