What does it mean to have an Undefined G-Center in Human Design?

undefined g-center in human design bodygraph

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Do you, or someone that you love,
have an
Undefined G-Center?

In case you haven’t seen your bodygraph yet, or you’re not so sure anymore which of the energy centers are defined and which are undefined in your Human Design bodygraph, click here to discover your chart for free!

If you have an Undefined G-Center…

When misaligned…
Someone with an undefined misaligned G-Center in Human Design, will absorb and amplify stronger identities, which may possibly lead to you wishing that you were someone else.

You are not designed to…
With an Undefined G-Center you are not designed to have a fixed identity or direction in this lifetime.

How to benefit…
When you release the need to know where this is all going, embrace the fact that you have sampled many different paths and that that actually gives you a depth of experience that not everyone has.

undefined g-center in human design bodygraph

Which energy center is the G-Center?

Check your bodygraph to see if the same energy center as you see here in this image,
the G-Center, is white.


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