Alternating Appetite Digestion in Human Design

In Human Design, there are twelve different types of digestion. Your Human Design digestion type will tell you how you're designed to consume. The types of food that are best for you and the setting in which you eat. You can locate your digestion in the chart properties under the section that says ‘Digestion’.

human design digestion type

Is your Human Design digestion type alternating appetite? You are designed to eat only the highest quality ingredients your digestive system remembers and seeks out only the freshest and finest whole foods. With such a refined palate, you may be tempted to seek out opulent and indulgent foods. But truly living according to your design means that you should be consuming just one ingredient at a time. So try to avoid food that consists of a mix of various ingredients.

Alternating Appetite

With alternating appetite in Human Design, you are designed to move between single ingredients. A great example of this would be something like a charcuterie board. This gives you the option to alter between many different single ingredient foods.

A charcuterie board filled with almost only single ingredient foods.

As someone with an alternating appetite digestion in Human Design, you are designed to move - alternate - between this kind of single ingredient foods.

Consuming just one ingredient at a time may sound pretty challenging, but living according to your design and honoring your digestion helps you to optimize brain function.


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