Hot Thirst Digestion in Human Design

In Human Design, there are twelve different types of digestion. Your Human Design digestion type will tell you how you're designed to consume. The types of food that are best for you and the setting in which you eat. You can locate your digestion in the chart properties under the section that says ‘Digestion’.

human design digestion type

Is your human design digestion type hot thirst? This means that you are designed to consume based on temperature.

Hot Thirst Digestion

If you have hot thirst digestion in Human Design, your entire system runs cooler, so it's helpful for you to consume food and drinks that are above body temperature. You may also enjoy warm baths, warmer environments and seasons that have a hotter temperature.

hot thirst environment in human design

Consume food and drinks that are above body temperature.

Someone with a hot thirst digestion in Human Design, enjoys consuming warm foods and embracing themselves with warmer environments. This can mean warm baths and showers, the sauna, warm clothes, warm seasons or being in places with a higher temperature.

When you have hot thirst digestion in Human Design, you may also notice that your mood changes with weather changes. Take care of your body by honoring your temperature preferences and taking the extra steps needed to warm you up when you feel it’s needed. Living according to your design and your temperature will help you to optimize brain function.


Cold Thirst Digestion in Human Design


Alternating Appetite Digestion in Human Design