Direct or Indirect Digestion in Human Design

In Human Design, there are twelve different types of digestion. Your Human Design digestion type will tell you how you're designed to consume. The types of food that are best for you and the setting in which you eat. You can locate your digestion in the chart properties under the section that says ‘Digestion’.

human design digestion

Is your Human Design digestion type direct or indirect? These Human Design digestion types have everything to do with the level of light surrounding you while you are consuming.

Direct light digestion

If you have direct light digestion in Human Design, it's important that you only eat during daylight hours. You mostly enjoy eating in a direct source of light. You may enjoy eating outside in the sunshine, patio, weather park, lunches, or weekend picnics.

direct digestion in human design

Consume your food only during daylight hours.

Someone with direct light digestion in Human Design, is supposed to consume only during daylight hours. They most enjoy eating outside in the sunshine, having a picnic or simply consuming their lunch outside on the patio.

Indirect light digestion

With indirect light digestion in Human Design, it's important that you eat only while the sun is down. You may prefer eating before the sun comes out late at night, midnight snacking, or all of the above. That's okay, because eating according to your design helps you optimize brain function. So the good old telltale of ‘eating after hours is unhealthy’ isn’t true for everybody.

indirect light digestion in human design

Intend to eat only when the sun is down.

Someone with indirect light digestion in Human Design, is supposed to consume only when the sun is down. This means eating late at night and very early in the morning. Eating while it’s dark outside, helps you optimize your brain function.


Consecutive or Alternating Digestion in Human Design


Valleys Environment in Human Design