High or Low Sound Digestion in Human Design

In Human Design, there are twelve different types of digestion. Your Human Design digestion type will tell you how you're designed to consume. The types of food that are best for you and the setting in which you eat. You can locate your digestion in the chart properties under the section that says ‘Digestion’.

human design digestion type

Is your Human Design digestion type high or low sound? This means that you’re designed to consume based on the level of noise in your environment.

High sound digestion

If you are the high sound digestion type in Human Design, it is important that you eat in environments that are noisy. You're one of the only types that actually thrive in restaurant settings. With high sound, it's totally okay for you to crank up the volume on your TV headphones or sound system and have a jam session while you're eating. Being surrounded by noise while you eat, helps you to digest in a more efficient way.

You enjoy eating in noisy environments when you are someone with high sound digestion in your human design chart.

Low sound digestion

If you are the low sound digestion type in Human Design, you're designed to eat in complete silence. You may want to invest in some noise cancelling headphones if you haven't already. Eating out in a restaurant is not your thing, unless you know it’s a very quiet place. Diner parties with friends and family tend to exhaust you, or you may even find yourself trying to skip those occasions. You may eventually develop a preference for eating alone. And that's okay, because eating according to your design helps you optimize brain function.

You enjoy eating in complete silence, preferrably alone, when you are someone with low sound digestion in your human design chart.


Hot or Cold Digestion in Human Design


Consecutive or Alternating Digestion in Human Design