The Five Different Human Design Types

One of the first things you can discover with your Human Design chart, is your Human Design Type. There are five different Human Design Types, which describe the essence of your aura. 

The different types work together to seamlessly manifest, create and move energy forward. Imagine constructing a building - there are people that initiate the original idea for a specific style of building in an optimal location (Manifestors), there are people that provide mentorship, guidance and direction for the process (Projectors) and then there are people that provide the energy to get the building off the ground, (Generators). There is also a uniquely skilled team that creates refinement along the way providing energy for what’s working and showing us where to scale back (Manifesting Generators). Lastly, end consumers come in, experience the environment of the building and give feedback and reviews on the functionality of said structure and the people in it (Reflectors). 

Manifestors are here to initiate and inform. They lead us in the direction of what they want to create. We invite Projectors to be our guides. They observe us in our processes and provide guidance for a more efficient and streamlined approach. Generators and Manifesting Generators respond to opportunities that light them up and use their energy to get the job done. We include Reflectors in giving feedback about what they see and feel in our environment so we know whether or not we're on the right track. 

We all naturally embody a little bit of each type. What Human Design teaches us is the best expression of the unique aura of our specific energy type. Understanding your type and energy allows you to share your unique gifts in the ways that they are best received. 


If you’re a Manifestor, you’re designed to follow the impulses that create energy spurts for you to learn, innovate or create. Learn the shape of your aura, your tell tale signs for energy mismatches and your most effective communication style in my comprehensive guide for Manifestors.


As a Generator, you’re driven to find what excites you most about life and use that as your internal compass for making decisions and creating energy. Learn the shape of your aura, your tell tale signs for energy mismatches and your most effective communication style in my comprehensive guide for Generators.

Manifesting Generator

If you’re a Manifesting Generator, you’re excited by new opportunities and are meant to use your excitement level as a gauge for what’s on track and what needs refinement. Learn the shape of your aura, your tell tale signs for energy mismatches and your most effective communication style in my comprehensive guide for Manifesting Generators.


If you’re a projector, you are meant to channel your energy into becoming an expert and provide guidance for those that can benefit from your expertise. Learn the shape of your aura, your tell tale signs for energy mismatches and your most effective communication style in my comprehensive guide for Projectors


If you’re a Reflector, you have the ability to sample and embody any Type in Human Design. You manage your energy by becoming attuned to the essence of the people and places you interact with. Learn the shape of your aura, tell tale signs for energy mismatches and your most effective communication style in my comprehensive guide for Reflectors.

Being in alignment with your unique Human Design Type, helps you live as the authentic version of ‘YOU’. Which then helps you to manifest the life of your dreams effortlessly.

In a perfect world, Manifestors initiate a project, Projectors guide the process, Generators (including Manifesting Generators) provide the energy to realize or complete it and Reflectors tell them how well it is going.


Getting More Out of Your Human Design Chart