Getting More Out of Your Human Design Chart

By the time you began to ask yourself how to get more out of your human design chart, you’ve probably already downloaded your own unique human design chart - if not, you can click here and discover your chart today for free! 

Your design was created the moment that you were born and it does not change throughout your lifetime. You are designed perfectly to accomplish what you set out to achieve in this incarnation. There are no good or bad charts. We all have shadows and lights - inherent strengths and weaknesses. Human Design is simply a tool to help you understand your physical body, make more aligned decisions and have more effortless connections with other humans.

Human Design provides answers to every aspect of life. By getting these burning questions answered, you find out how you can live the most extraordinary life you’ve ever imagined

For example, your Human Design tells you what your (personal) optimal way is to digest food and what exercise routine would be your best fit. By adjusting your daily diet and exercise routine to your unique design, you’ll notice how things will start flowing almost automatically. That’s what living in alignment feels like.

The answers to all of these questions show you how to feel energized and excited about life, manifest your deepest desires, have meaningful relationships and show up as the most authentically aligned version of yourself.

Questions that Human Design can answer

So, what are questions that human design can help you to discover about the real you

  • What is my purpose? 

  • What is the optimal way for my body to digest food? 

  • What type of exercise should I be doing and how often? 

  • What is my ideal daily routine? 

  • What's my manifestation process and abundance style? 

  • How can I attract more money and resources into my experience? 

  • What is my relationship style and how can I attract my ideal partner? 

  • What type of job should I have? 

  • What is my work style and ideal work environment? 

  • What do I need to heal in order to live according to my design and live a more aligned life? 

If you desire to find the answer to one of these - or any other question you might think of - questions and discover what you can do in order to live the most authentically aligned version of yourself, I invite you to book a reading


What Is Human Design?


The Five Different Human Design Types