The Projector in Human Design

the projector type in human design

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One of my most sublime childhood memories was quietly observing the rainbows shining through the cut and polished crystal dangling from the rear view mirror of my mom's car. The wavelengths of colorful light would land in all sorts of interesting places throughout the vehicle. From the ceiling of the car to the seats then the dash. Sometimes they'd land in my mom's hair or on my leg. When a rainbow landed on top of my hand, I'd move my hand side to side and then turn it over to see if I could catch a rainbow in my palm.

When we invite light into a prism, it produces wavelengths of color that were not previously available or perceptible.

This is what the energy and aura of a projector is like - bright, multifaceted and penetrating.

Projectors are able to show you more magical ways of being. They guide us all in being more effective and efficient in our lives.

Projector Fact Sheet

Projectors represent a new energy archetype on the planet that emerged after 1781.

  • Projectors represent 21% of the population

  • Aura: Focused and Absorbing

  • Projectors always have an undefined sacral in their body graph and have no motor center connected to their throats

  • Their Relationship to Energy: To tweak, to guide, to bring efficiency

  • Common Challenge: Trying to prove they can hustle and keep up with the rest of the world

  • Strategy: To wait for the invitation

  • Signature: Success

  • Not-SELF: Bitterness

Projectors thrive with recognition.

Projectors have inconsistent energy and can easily spend their time beating themselves up over the fact that they can’t just ‘make things happen’. They are not here to do that. They are here to provide guidance, optimization, and efficiency by waiting for the invitations that are energetically correct for them.


When others invite the light of a Projector into their experience by asking for their input or advice, Projectors are able to penetrate their aura and show them a spectrum they hadn’t previously seen or imagined.

When a Projector has not been invited, their energy and aura is dull and doesn’t land the way it was intended. The magic and color is no longer present - it has become replaced with resentment. Any time I would take my mom’s crystal away from the light, it looked like just another piece of glass. I could see all of the scratches and dings in it from banging against the windshield. Holding it in my hand produced no rainbows.

Projectors are designed to wait for invitations to give advice or provide guidance. Without a defined sacral, it is critical for Projectors to reserve their energy for those that are ready to accept and integrate their wisdom by waiting until they have been seen, acknowledged or recognized.

Projector Strategy

As a Projector, you are classified as a non-energy type - your sacral energy center is undefined and you have no motor center connected to the throat. This means you do not have access to consistent, reliable generating or manifesting energy. More simply put, your energy is a valuable yet finite resource and waiting until others are ready for it helps you reserve it. Your work as a Projector is to find your area of genius then sit back and wait for invitations to share your wisdom.

If what you're seeking is a feeling of success, waiting for aligned invitations allows you to experience less bitterness and resentment from not being seen and acknowledged for your innate gifts.

Tips for thriving as a non-energy being:

  • Always wait for an invitation before offering guidance, wisdom or advice - wait for recognition before sharing your gifts

  • Reserve your energy for opportunities where you feel seen, acknowledged and valued

  • Avoid seeking external validation - recognize your own gifts first

  • In the meantime, listen intently, ask questions and reflect what you see

  • You don't need to wait for invitations for things that don't impact others

  • Seek out feelings of success and identify what makes you feel bitter

Guide for Projectors

If you’re a Projector, you are meant to channel your energy into becoming an expert and provide guidance for those that can benefit from your expertise. Learn the shape of your aura, your tell tale signs for energy mismatches and your most effective communication style in my comprehensive guide for Projectors.

YouTube Playlist

If you’d like to know more about Projectors and how the waiting for invitations exactly works, make sure to check this YouTube playlist with all Tangie’s videos about Projectors!


The Manifestor in Human Design


The Manifesting Generator in Human Design