The Manifestor in Human Design

Manifestor Type in Human Design

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Remember when you first learned how magnets work? All magnets have north and south poles. Opposite poles are attracted to each other, while the same poles repel each other.

This is the energy and aura of a Manifestor - powerful, focused and repelling. When a Manifestor becomes an energetic match for their point of focus, it’s magnetized into their experience - the same way that opposite poles of a magnet pull together.

Manifestors actively reject people and environments that don’t allow their individual expression - similarly to the same poles of a magnet repelling each other. Manifestors very naturally and intentionally repel people, places and opportunities that aren’t right for them.

This is precisely why Manifestors are designed to initiate and inform.

The Manifestors' incredible gifts are their ability to act independently, to initiate action and to impact others.

Manifestor Fact Sheet

Manifestors' have an exceptional ability to bring into being or make manifest what they envision. Manifestor energy can't help but be felt when they walk in a room.

  • Manifestors represent 9% of the population

  • Aura: Closed and Repelling

  • Manifestors always have an undefined sacral in their body graph and a defined motor center connected to their throats

  • Their Relationship to Energy: Rally energy, gather, create momentum in a direction

  • Common Challenge: Manifestors have a selective aura, so they will attract some people and repel others who aren’t right for them

  • Strategy: Inform

  • Signature: Peace

  • Not-SELF: Anger

Manifestors thrive when they initiate.

Manifesting energy in Human Design simply means you don’t need to wait for collaboration from the Universe in order to act. It’s an impulsive energy not driven by anything but the Divine expressing itself through you. A big part of living correctly as a Manifestor is cherishing and honoring those impulses, because they’re rare and special.


Manifestors are wholly repulsed by the idea of being controlled, being told what to do or how to do it - this is the embodiment of when same magnetic poles are pushed toward each other. Their auras repel anything that takes them out of their strategy of informing. Manifestors are not designed to ask permission. They are designed to act on their impulses.

Manifestors are seeking the peace in life to do what they want when they want to do it. They do not need to rely on other people to ask them or invite them in order to act on their Authority.

Informing is the only way Manifestors find the freedom from resistance that they need in order to manifest. Quite literally Manifestors must endeavor to make more "I am" than "can I?" statements in their daily lives.

Examples include "I am leaving now" instead of "Is it okay with you if I go?" or "I am having a steak for dinner tonight. What would you like?" instead of "Is it okay with you if we have steak?"

Manifestor Strategy

As a Manifestor, you are able to rely on the consistent manifestation energy of your defined throat center. The throat is the only manifestation center of the 9 energy centers in a Human Design body graph. The throat does not need external input in order to inform, it receives an impulse and is immediately ready to step into instant manifestation through verbal expression. Your work as a Manifestor is to recognize your impulses and inform those around you of your intended actions in order to create receptivity and support rather than ask permission.

If what you're seeking is a feeling of peace, informing reduces resistance and anger by allowing others to relinquish control. Informing creates clearer communication and more freedom to act on impulses.

Tips for learning and speaking the language of the throat:

Act like an announcer:

  • "I'm going to the bathroom now."

  • "I plan to work on that tomorrow."

  • "I'm having kale salad for dinner."

  • "I'll be moving next year."

  • "I am grateful for you."

  • "I'm feeling angry right now."

  • "I'm taking a break."


  • Avoid entering into commitments that require you to ask permission

  • Seek out feelings of peace and identify what makes you feel angry

You may be initially averse to announcing and informing because of resistance and unwarranted input you've received in the past. Empowered informing allows you to manifest with less resistance and garner more support for your endeavors. Act independently but honor those closest to you by informing them of your intentions.

Guide for Manifestors

If you’re a Manifestor, you’re designed to follow the impulses that create energy spurts for you to learn, innovate or create. Learn the shape of your aura, your tell tale signs for energy mismatches and your most effective communication style in my comprehensive guide for Manifestors.

YouTube Playlist

If you’d like to know more about Manifestors and how your life can change if you start to inform instead of ask for permission, make sure to check this YouTube playlist with all Tangie’s videos about Manifestors!


The Reflector in Human Design


The Projector in Human Design