The Reflector in Human Design

Reflector Type in Human Design

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Every day, I go for a leisurely walk around a large pond located about a block away from my home. I look forward to observing the changing states of the water and reflecting in nature creates a state of clarity and peacefulness in my body and mind.

On a particularly windy day, small waves are created in the water. Sometimes I see people fishing, patiently waiting to see what they can pull from the natural resource. Other times, I hear a small splash and look over just in time to see a turtle disappear under the ripples it has just created.

This is the energy and aura of a Reflector - sampling. The natural state of an individual body of water is stillness. It is the impacts of the environment that create a change in the state of the water. A leaf falling from a nearby tree may create the tiniest movement while a child practicing skipping stones will create multiple ripples with an eventual impact of the stone sinking and coming to rest at the bottom of the body of water.

When a Reflector finds their alignment and steps into their natural state of stillness, they become the very best mirrors that we can ask for as a society. They take in what is present in the environment and reflect it back to us.

Reflector Fact Sheet

Reflectors are rare, extraordinary and the oldest type in Human Design. They are totally unique in their perspectives and quietly unobtrusive in their auric presence.

  • Reflectors represent 1% of the population

  • Aura: Sampling

  • Reflectors have no defined energy centers in their body graph

  • Their Relationship to Energy: To reflect, to mirror, to reveal

  • Common Challenge: Energetically, they are like blank slates with very little of their own defined energy and growing up in a world where you have to know who you are is confusing for Reflectors most of all

  • Strategy: To wait a lunar cycle

  • Signature: Surprise

  • Not-SELF: Disappointment

Reflectors thrive with inclusion.

Manifestors, Generators, and Projectors are solar Types, meaning their purpose 'shines' through them. As the only lunar Type, the Reflector is designed to operate as a lunar reflection of the sun's programming. Like the moon, the Reflector's 'glow' is subtle yet wields substantial influence, especially when it is detected by others. Reflectors need to find their place in the heart of the community, or the center of the group, so they can freely sample and reflect auric information from those around them.


When a Reflector is not in alignment with their natural state and essence, they become subject to all of the shifting moods of the people and places they encounter. They take in the energy of others as their own and lose their divine power of reflection.

As you can imagine, waters that are not calm provide us with a very distorted reflection. A Reflector that is feeling stressed, pressured or emotional is a person that is reflecting people and environments that carry stress, pressure and emotionality. A Reflector's natural state is cool, calm and collected. It is the energies that are introduced into the experience of a Reflector that create the ripples. Reflectors absorb and amplify their environments.

The work for a Reflector is to identify what is impacting their energy and then begin to create boundaries for managing their energy. One of the simplest ways to start this process is to state your reflections aloud. This helps your conscious awareness disassociate from the variability of your environment. Using statements with friends, family and coworkers like "I sense you're feeling a lot of pressure" or "I see you're feeling really excited about this" helps you create energetic boundaries for what's yours and what isn't.

Reflector Strategy

Step one for a Reflector is to fully understand the cycles of the moon and the impact that creates in their body:

  • What is your energy like during a full moon vs. a new moon?

  • When do you feel most energized?

  • When do you feel most drained?

  • Every Reflector's lunar cycle is unique, and will be the same every 28 days.

  • Habit trackers and journals can be extremely effective in gaging energetic patterns.

It may feel as though the reality we currently exist in does not allow a Reflector to take their time. This could not be further from the truth for an aligned Reflector.

A Reflector's power lies in their ability to operate differently than the majority. When Reflectors succumb to the arbitrary timelines of their environments, they do their energy a disservice. They will find themselves on a hamster wheel of perceived productivity and real physical exhaustion.

When Reflectors honor their energy and their powers of reflection, they will find themselves more energized and empowered than ever.

Guide for Reflectors

If you’re a Reflector, you have the ability to sample and embody any Type in Human Design. You manage your energy by becoming attuned to the essence of the people and places you interact with. Learn the shape of your aura, tell tale signs for energy mismatches and your most effective communication style in my comprehensive guide for Reflectors.

YouTube Playlist

If you’d like to know more about Reflectors and how your life can change if you start to inform instead of ask for permission, make sure to check this YouTube playlist with all Tangie’s videos about Reflectors!


The Origins of Human Design


The Manifestor in Human Design