What Is Human Design?

Human Design is basically a map, a blueprint, that indicates exactly who you are as a person. What makes you tick - also, what makes you stumble - and shows how you can be in sync with your most authentic self. Your Human Design Chart is calculated by using your birth date, time, and location. With this data, your personal and unique BodyGraph can be created. And, if you know how to read it, it reveals every single detail about your inner self

Human Design is basically a map, a blueprint, that indicates exactly who you are as a person. What makes you tick - also, what makes you stumble - and shows how you can be in sync with your most authentic self. Your Human Design Chart is calculated by using your birth date, time and location. With this data, your personal and unique BodyGraph can be created. And, if you know how to read it, it reveals every single detail about your inner self

Isn’t that amazing?

I love to refer to Human Design as the ultimate permission slip to be the most authentic version of yourself. It’s your natural built-in mechanism to manifest your dreams. When we are living in alignment with our true nature, we are naturally able to live our real purpose and manifest effortlessly. The energy will start flowing and we begin to experience a level of comfort and acceptance of who we are and the choices we’d like to make. The knowledge of our Human Design helps us in the decision-making process, in order to get to the best possible outcome for ourselves.

Where does Human Design come from?

Human Design combines a number of ancient teachings such as the I Ching, Western Astrology, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system and the Kabbalah Tree of Life with a dose of quantum physics and cutting edge scientific discoveries.  

An empirical system that combines ancient wisdom and modern science.

Human Design makes it all specific to you, your innate design and how you operate in the world. The energy centers, channels and gates that are defined within us, are the ways that we are designed to express ourselves. Being aware of our unique Human Design chart, having the knowledge on how we operate best, allow us to truly be on top of the world!

Would you like to know your own specific Human Design Type? Discover your Human Design chart for free!

If you’d like to go deeper and are ready to receive powerful insights on the most pressing issues in your life right now, Tangie provides guidance on who you are and what will create the greatest expansion for your soul in this incarnation. Book your in-depth Human Design reading and get ready to get all your questions answered.


What does it mean to have a Defined Ajna in Human Design?


Getting More Out of Your Human Design Chart